INCA Design is a leading graphic design agency situated in the heart of the Meon Valley, Hampshire, creating winning design solutions with unique advertising campaigns and dynamic marketing strategies.

Our graphic design innovation, market inspiration and artistry generates distinctive corporate identities, logo branding, exceptional websites, intelligent public relations, stunning exhibitions, promotions, quality brochures, design and printing.

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression!

Corporate identities, logo designs and product branding design services are our speciality! For distinction amongst your business rivals, your corporate identity needs to exude quality & individuality, especially in the current economy where client poaching is rife!

Update a tired image or evolve a previously successful brand into your appropriate marketplace. Targeting the right people at the right time in the right way will transform your profits!

Comprehending and exploiting the rapidly advancing technology of the World Wide Web is essential for enterprises in the 21st Century.

Embracing digital technology, responsive web designs automatically adjust to any screen size dynamically cropping images on either portrait or landscape displays, for ultimate user friendly accessibility across multiple devices from web-enabled wristwatches, mobile phones to high-resolution tablets.

By harnessing INCA’s website analysis and development consultancy, we can integrate the most relevant responsive width design, with optional Content Management Systems (CMS), programming either brochure, portfolio or eCommerce websites, intranets or any optimal combinations with search engine optimisation (SEO) for the most advantageous website to boost your online profile and easy visibility on all devices, ultimately to promote your business and increase your profits.

At INCA we appreciate that every company has different corporate sales literature, promotions, displays and stationery requirements!

Our expertise is tailoring marketing strategies appropriate to your current demands and desired business targets! Our creative genius then enables an innovative style of whatever you require; brochures, stationery, leaflets, folders, newsletters, flyers, annual reports, business cards and letterheads; all integrating a consistent corporate image and commercial information.

Quality control and accurate management of your printing requirements are also paramount to the public perception of your business. Client liaison is of prime importance to us providing you with a professional full marketing service keeping the design, print and delivery logistics cost effective.

Our strategy for creative excellence is quite clear, which in turn makes the design process quite accessible.

We believe that our analytical research, a calculated approach, with carefully conceived planning and accurate direction to your business’ key target market, is essential for maximum success. We aim for your business to reflect an image of distinction and this, in turn, promotes your business, stimulating it, so it may flourish and prosper and stand tall amongst even your most competitive rivals.

What sets us apart from the rest? We think that you matter and are passionate about what we can achieve for you! INCA Design have always been proud to build strong, long-term, working relationships with all our clients and enjoy every specific challenge. We provide a professional, friendly, trusted and personalised service with inspirational solutions tailored to your individual requirements.

National and local advertising strategies are vital to your successful advertising campaign.

Market research, media selection, advert design, media scheduling and proficient media liaison are the key to promoting your business in the most cost effective manner to the most appropriate audience.

Further analysis ensures the ability to adjust your strategy in changing circumstances and therefore the focus of your advertising campaign remains accurate!

Why Choose Us?


We have an abundance of creative flair and ingenious designs but ultimately we thrive on contributing to our clients’ successes.


Proficient and resourceful project handling keeps our clients within their target campaign dates.


Friendly and professional, we know clear and concise communications with both clients and suppliers are paramount to a project triumph.


Less is more. No need for all the extra waffle! Let’s keep your corporate message focussed and to the point.


Eco-awareness is a very important ethos and where possible we utilise new technology for digital and paperless options.

One Stop Shop

Customised marketing elements tailored specifically to you, for now and your future requirements.